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Another Big Thank You to… YOU!

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Another Big Thank You to… YOU! our members for a Fantastic Tuesday night watching England v Germany and your continued support.

It was great to see everyone enjoying themselves and creating a truly fantastic atmosphere.

We now look forward to Saturday 03rd July 2021 and England’s next game…

**** Ukraine v England (KO 8pm) ****

We will of course be showing the game before too...
Czech Republic v Denmark (KO 5pm)

We can’t wait for you to all join us again for another great night 🍻 🍷 ⚽️ come on ENGLAND.

Ps don’t forget we will be selling Paul’s great 🌭 🌭🌭🌭 again too 🤩

*** New members can join now too & on the night ***

Please all come and join us for a great Community atmosphere in your local Community Centre Social Club… It’s the people that makes it Special. See you all soon Old and New Members 😊